For most of us, the evening is our downtime, where can relax and unwind from the events of the day. Many of us also utilize the evening to get caught up on other responsibilities, such as bill paying, emails, homework, etc. The problem we often run into is that as we multi-task, or even just watch our favorite shows, we are simultaneously eating. This unconscious eating can easily result in a massive intake of calories, which can quickly sabotage even our best efforts from the day. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that many people attempt to restrict caloric intake during the day, for weight loss, by doing things such as skipping breakfast, having a small lunch, or even skipping lunch altogether. Binging in the evening is much more likely to occur when meals have been skipped or severely restricted. In general, people who spread their meals throughout the day seem to be better able to control their eating habits in the evening. 

Our digestive fires are the strongest mid day, while the evening is the time when our bodies' janitor, the liver, wants to get work to clean and detoxify. For this reason, it would make sense to eat your heaviest meal at lunch, and to keep dinner fairly light. The liver can't do its best work when energy is being utilized for other digestive processes. Additionally, eating large amounts of food late in the evening can result in indigestion and poor sleep. This leaves a person tired the next day, which often results in food cravings, especially in the form of sugar, as the body seeks a quick energy boost. Sleep is also a regulator of two hormones that affect appetite, leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is a hormone that signals satiety and suppress food intake, while ghrelin stimulates appetite and fat production. When a person is sleep deprived, the level of leptin drops and the level of ghrelin increases. This of course results in abnormal hunger. And so the combination of late night eating and lack of sleep can add up to a vicious cycle of late night binges, lack of adequate sleep, uncontrolled snacking, late night binges, and so on!

So how can you break free of this cycle? First start by taking steps to become a more 'conscious eater':
  • Create a calm environment, by eating in silence, or play relaxing music;  you may even want to light a candle.
  • Chew your food slowly, and take time to really taste and enjoy each bite.
  • Put your fork down while you chew.
  • Consider eating with chopsticks when feasible.
  • Turn off the television, and avoid other distractions, such as being on a computer or talking on the phone.
Other ways to avoid late night bingeing are by planning some diversions for the evening, but make sure that you DON'T include food in these activities. Some suggestions may be reading a book or taking a pet for a walk. It is also beneficial to create a calming evening routine to prepare you for a good night's rest. Turn off your computer at least an hour before bed, and NEVER take 'work' into bed. Your mind needs some time to be still so that you can drift off to sleep free of anxiety and stress. 

And here's an added bonus to creating these recommended good habits: According to John Robbins new book, "The New Good Life", people spend an extra $208 annually for every hour of television watched per week. (I can only assume this is largely due to all the food unconsciously swallowed while vegging in front of the tv). That means that conscious eating will not only help you to lose weight, it will help you save money too!